Folsom Dam


MK constructed the Folsom Dam on a four year contract in which we beat the incredibly demanding deadline by six months. The concrete gravity dam on the American River is near the town of Folsom in northern California, approximately 25 miles northeast of Sacramento. The dam is 340 ft high and 1,400 ft long, flanked by earthen wing dams. We excavated 45 million cubic yards of rock and earth on the project on a 24 hour a day schedule.

Located at the juncture of the north and south forks of the American River the Company employed 2200 tradesmen to meet the schedule for desperately needed water in central California.The dam and its reservoir, Folsom Lake, are part of the Central Valley Project, a multipurpose project that provides flood control, hydroelectricity, and irrigation and municipal water supply. MK was awarded the President’s Award for Excellence a year after its completion.